Sunday, October 24, 2010
Dinner and a Movie???
So I love my friends… A lot… And we all got together (the original ninjas) to enjoy some of that homeeeeee….. cooked ^_^
On the menu:
Alfredo Farfelle with a choice of Chicken, Shrimp, or Scallops.
Fresh baked Filone
And for desert: Nutella and Strawberries on a Stick! (thanks sis)
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Hypocritical Tee…
I believe that one of the hardest things in life is seeing your OWN LIFE for what it is. Sure you can sit and crush the whole world for it’s random philosophies but how is it contributing to YOUR PERSONAL growth? It doesn’t. It hinders you from enjoying your own life because your soooo busy dusting off the dirt of others when you should be ridding your heart of it’s massive cob-webs. Yup folks! Hypocrisy! I am guilty of it… I was aware that I had a slight problem with it but with a little help from a friend today, I am now able to see just how HUGE this problem is. I promise that is not intentional. I don’t think I am better than anyone. I just think different. But…. We all do (That’s something that I probably should put on a few post-its around the house.) Hypocrisy is easier to fall into than you think especially when you have been exposed to so many lies in which YOU decide to change YOUR whole life around.
After a while you forget who you were, why you were, and what made you what you are today. You forget that everyone has their own perspective, goals, and beliefs. Hypocrisy… I hate it. It’s not me. It’s all of the insecurities that dwell naturally in the imperfect state of the human heart. I give. I love giving. I receive. I love. I judge. I am judged by everyone but especially by myself (3x). As much as I would love to just shut up, I can’t. I will try harder but I don’t believe that this is something you can just completely do away with. I just want to roam the earth as this loving, kind, peaceful flower-child. I don’t mean any harm. I want to help others. I want a healing tongue. I need it. When I think about all the things that I judge others on, I am not or was not too far from the tree. I’ve probably climbed it, ate the leaves, made a tree-house and attached a tire-swing for anything Lol!!! With that said, I have along way to go. My behavior has been unacceptable lately. I need to pay more attention to myself and if someone you know could use a few reminders (including yourself) don’t spare them! If they are mature, they will appreciate THE LOVE you’re giving.
Monday, October 18, 2010
What is Love?
Vivian (Miss Vivian Green that is) got me ta thinkin…
She said…
"Maybe I am foolishly… in love with someone that is… not exactly on the same page…. That I am on."
And the hook> >>"Maybe this isn’t love but if it isn’t love than really what is love??? Guess that I will never really know what’s love, but when he’s around he got me feeling some kinda way."
Then I thought… Man Tee… How many times have you settled.. Settled for just a feeling… To have someone to take care of. That make them feel alive type stuff. I kinda like it you know, but the bigger picture… Who is really taking care of me? I am (like all women) an emotional human. I thrive off of the emotions, thoughts and actions of others… It’s water for my mind. I (for the most part) give that positive energy. I need it in return. Instead… What do I do? I take in the emotionally dead, material driven, surface type of BOYS. < Notice the term BOYS. Well…. I mean… That’s what they are. Unaware of their own FULL-potential. Afflicted with the pain I had not caused……. but here to take on all the side-effects. There for them like no other but yet and still, they can not, will not, recognize. Why do I do it again??? Man… The passion in my heart begs to help these boys learn to embrace their thrones as Kings. Shame on you Tee… It’s a man’s job to be a man. Yea… I know. But sometimes it takes a strong woman to show them just how important their roles are in the eyes of God. The creation of men was meant to bring glory to God, wasn’t it? He created them strong, mentality and physically to dominate (in a righteous way) over the earth didn’t he??? So…. With that said…Why do I continue to play superwoman in the lives of those who AINT ready? They don’t want be saved>>>I have to keep reminding myself. I’ve taken this abuse far too long Vivian. I feel you for just a moment, but sistah, you tripin. Lol! I am in need of a new tune… It’s time to heal myself… God knows. I need someone who can move mountains with his thoughts. Heal hearts with his tongue, and take his stand, his position as King.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Don't Forget Your Roots. Dear God.

Im sorry....
Did You NOT catch the lyrics????
Dear God, I’m trying hard to reach you
Dear God, I see your face in all I do
Sometimes, it’s so hard to believe it…
But God, I know you have your reasons
(Uh huh)
[Verse 1]
They said he’s busy hold the line please
Call me crazy, I thought maybe he could mind read
Who does the blind lead?
Give me a sign please
If everything is made in China, are we Chinese?
And why do haters separate us like we siamese?
Technology turning the planet into zombies
Everybody all in everybody’s dirty laundry
Acid rain, earthquakes, hurricane, tsunamis
Terrorist, crime sprees, assaults, and robberies
Cops yellin’ stop, freeze
Shoot him before he try to leave
Air quality so foul, I gotta try to breath
Endangered species
And we runnin’ out of trees
If I could hold the world in the palm of these
Hands, I would probably do away with these anomalies
Everybody checkin’ for the new award nominee
Wars and atrocities
Look at all the poverty
Ignoring the prophecies
More beef than broccoli
Corporate monopoly
Weak World economy
Stock market topplin’
Mad marijuana oxycotton and klonopin
Everybody out of it?
Well I’ve been thinkin’ about
And I’ve been breakin’ it down
Without an answer
I know I’m thinking out loud
But if you’re lost and around
Why do we suffer?
Why do we suffer?
(Uh huh)
[Verse 2]
Yeah… It’s still me, one of your biggest fans
I get off work
Right back to work again
I probably need to go ahead and have my head exam
Look at how they got me on the Def Jam payment plan
Well, I’m in the world of entertainment and
Trying to keep a singing man sane for the paying fans
If I don’t make it through the night, slight change of plans
Harp strings, angel wings, and praying hands
Lord, forgive me for my shortcomings
For going on tour and ignoring the court summons
All I’m trying to do is live life to the fullest
They sent my daddy to you in a barrage of bullets
Why is the world ugly when you made it in your image?
And why is livin’ life such a fight to the finish?
For this high percentage
When the sky’s the limit
A second is a minute, every hour’s infinite
Dear God, I’m trying hard to reach you
Dear God, I see your face in all I do
Sometimes, it’s so hard to believe it..
Thoughts please???!!!!!
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Soul............................................... Fest!!!
What a nice day it was….
Went out for some early service.
Came home with a surprise in front of my door (A good friend popped up on me)
Went out with my BIG sis to the “Soul fest”
Looked around a bit... Associated with my people for a min
Indulged in all the FREE food that a sistahs heart could desire. (Shots out to the brotha who brought the remy and soul classics of the “Notations”)
Nothing like fresh, fried, steelhead trout.
"lol! Uncle Tony/Hot Mess! Me and Sis.

"Tallest Man on the Earth" lol!

Mandigo and the Momotus Momota's
"Mother Earth"
Friday, October 15, 2010
It’s Friday… I know King, but for tonight… Let’s stay in. What a cold day it is. Your wet from the rain outside and I have fresh warm towels, and honey almond soap to cleanse your skin..
Your week was busy, mine too. A lot on your mind and I’m all ears…
The world isn’t treating you right but I was created for the soul-purpose to make it all better…
I lit all the candles because I keep in mind that you compliment how I keep it warm in here all the time…
How sweet is the sounds of the isley’s right now… You laugh at my two step but it won’t stop you from joining in…For the love of me that is...
Stomach growling… I can hear it over the pitch of maxwell’s voice… No worries… My famous creamy chicken sausage soup is almost finished ; )
I love the way you embrace me from behind as I prepare our dinner… so much passion in your hands and the kisses on my neck……..
Let’s get to this soup shall we?
It warms your soul and your smile warms mine… Now…Let’s lay here for a while… Open up the sealing that we may gaze at the heavens… shooting stars are of the dozens and we shoot away with them..
I must say… Your mind is like fresh fruit… there’s nothing more nutritious. Delicious is your spirit… I fall desperate for it… I sing “I get a kick out of you” dwele finishes the rest … You fill me with such a righteous light, I cling to you as you take me higher.
..... i will meet you in your dreams love, just don't let me go.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
You are not invisible...
It's inspiring moments such as these...
Don't tell me what you can't do...
Don't tell me what we can't do...
Don't tell me what you can't do...
Don't tell me what we can't do...
The phrase "working mother" is redundant. ~Jane Sellman
"I am only one,
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
-Edward Everett
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."
-Edward Everett
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Life's lesson's with Misses Tee.
So…. I just so happen to have a interview today for a job that I want/need/have to have/desire from the depth of my loins but, no big deal right? I get up at zombie hours to go out in-service then I head on over to my place to change into more interview appropriate shoes and a snack (that never happened)
Setting the scene for you: I casually walk around my apartment without a care in the world listening to a few tunes that promote laziness, and doing some very important harassing of my fellow peers on facebook when it hits me! Oh geeee Tanisha… Your interview is at 11:30 and your still picking your nose at 10:58 =D So…..maybe…. Just maybe……you should like leave now says the cat…
Creating my own version of what teleporting may look like, I travel in light-years down the 105 freeway with the words “Your gonna be late you idot!!!” branded in the back of my scalp. I look around and am amazed at all the reminders of how late I’m gonna be such as:
2.The elderly woman who only has a few months left until her license expires who apparently has NO WHERE TO GO!
3.And this guy…
Yep.... That did it.... This only happens in movies yo... True story.
So I make it to my interview 5 minutes late, is searched by security (shots out to the sistah over at security for letting a girl slide through with all the things I'm not suppose to have in my purse) and got lost trying to find the recruitment center. I am happy to say that the interview went terrible but who knows... Lesson learned here: You can't just hippie your way through your life Tee, you gotta learn to be somewhat conventional. (yuck)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Rainy Days....
Stuck at home with a sore throat and a good movie (Bella) but wishing I could be here...
Sure could use a bowl of chickin and rice soup =(
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Lyrics of the day...
"Master Teacher"
(dreams, dreams, dreams)
I am known to stay awake
(a beautiful world im trying to find)
A beautiful world im trying to find
(a beautiful world, im trying to find)
Ive been in search of myself
(a beautiful world) a beautiful world
Its just too hard for me to find
(dreams, dreams)
Said its just too hard for me to find
(dreams, dreams)
I am in the search of something new
(a beautiful world im trying to find)
Searchin' me,
Searching inside of you
And thats fo' real
What if it were no niccas
Only master teachers?
I stay woke (dreams dreams)
What if there was no niccas
Only master teachers?
I stay woke (dreams dreams)
What if it was no niccas only master teachers now?
I stay woke (dreams dreams)
(what if there was no niccas only master teachers now?)
I stay woke (dreams dreams)
Even if yo baby aint got no money
To support ya baby, you
(I stay woke)
Even when the preacher tell you some lies
And cheatin on ya mama, you stay woke
(I stay woke)
Even though you go through struggle and strife
To keep a healthy life, I stay woke
(I stay woke)
Everybody knows a black or white, there's
Creatures in every shape and size
(I stay woke)
(I stay woke)
Everybody, stay
(I stay woke)
Get everybody
(I stay woke)
Everybody body baby
(a beautiful world, a beautiful world) (dreams, dreams)
(a beautiful world, a beautiful world) (dreams, dreams)
(a beautiful world, a beautiful world) im trying to find
(a beautiful world, a beautiful world) im trying to find
(a beautiful world, a beautiful world) im trying to find
I have lone to stay awake
A beautiful world im trying to find
(a beautiful world im trying to find)
See, I am insearch of myself
(a beautiful world, im trying to find)
Ooh its just too hard for me to find
(a beautiful world, a beautiful world)
Said it just too hard for me to find
(dreams, dreams, dreams)
Cuz i'm in the search of something new
(a beautiful world im trying to find)
Search inside me
Searching inside you
And thats the trill
What if there was no niccas
Only master teachers?
(I stay woke)
What if there was no niccas
Only master teacher?
I stay woke)
What if there was no niccas
Only master teachers now?
(I stay woke)
What if there was no niccas
Only master teacher?
(I stay woke)
Noo, what if there was no niccas
Only master teachers?
What if there was niccas
Only master teachers now
Teach us, teach us teach us [fade]
What if there was niccas only master teachers now [fade]
Saturday, October 2, 2010
You are not invisible...
Feeling myself a little too much, i cruse through the streets of East LA only to come across one of the most powerful images of what most are blind too...
Ecclesiastes 8:9 "All this I have seen, and there was an applying of my heart to every work that has been done under the sun, [during] the time that man has dominated man to his injury."
P.S. I will be attacking these streets daily. Me... Mr. Kodak, and Black thought.
Ecclesiastes 8:9 "All this I have seen, and there was an applying of my heart to every work that has been done under the sun, [during] the time that man has dominated man to his injury."
P.S. I will be attacking these streets daily. Me... Mr. Kodak, and Black thought.
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